Small Stakes Poker Tournaments Jonathan Little

4/7/2022by admin

The methods required are far from obvious or intuitive but in Mastering Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em Jonathan Little explains them in great detail. Jonathan constructs a basic strategy to crush small stakes games and also identifies the adjustments that need to be made when facing more competent opposition. You need this book if. In this video, Evan 'Gripsed' Jarvis discusses 3 small stakes tournament mistakes. Are you stuck playing in lousy tournaments versus lousy opponents? Do you still lose even at the smallest stakes? It’s time to master small stakes poker with a world-class poker champion as your guide. Jonathan Little has cashed for more than $6.4 million in live poker tournament. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments by Jonathan Little (2015, Trade Paperback) at the best online prices at eBay! Free shipping for many products!

Small stakes poker tournaments jonathan little rock

I am pleased to announce my book, Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments. One of the most asked questions I receive on a regular basis is something along the lines of “I know you can teach me to beat decent players who play in a reasonable manner, but how do you suggest I beat overly bad players who play in small stakes tournaments?”

(for cash games, check out Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Cash Games)I quickly realized a short article or blog post would not provide enough room to expound on the various adjustments you should make when your opponents will make gigantic errors on a regular basis. So, I decided to compile my knowledge into a concise ebook.

In Strategies, I expound on a wide array of flaws that plague small stakes players. I dig deep and show you how to get well out of your comfort zone in order to exploit the mistakes your opponents are making. If you develop a game plan for how to attack each specific player at your table, you will be able to adjust your strategy to increase your win rate.

If you know someone who is struggling with small stakes tournaments (which should be most of the players who play in local casinos on a regular basis who never seem to be able to build a bankroll) please share this book with them. In order to make the book accessible to everyone, I have priced it, at least currently, at only $4.99. I am confident that if struggling small stakes players study and follow the advice I provide in Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments, they will instantly see an improvement in their poker skills.

Small Stakes Poker Tournaments Jonathan Little Rock

P.S. I want to thank everyone for the huge amount of support with this project. Thank you all for the amazing reviews and making Strategies #1 in all of the gambling and poker sections on Kindle. I greatly appreciate it. Without you, none of this would be possible.

I have decided to make Strategies available in the audio-book format. You can actually get two of my audio-books for FREE! For details, check out

Small Stakes Poker Tournaments Jonathan Little

Card Player Magazine, available in print and online, covers poker strategy, poker news, online and casino poker, and poker legislation. Sign up today for a digital subscription to access more than 800 magazine issues and get 26 new issues per year!

I was recently told about a hand from a $1-$3 no-limit hold’em cash game that illustrates a few flaws in the strategy of many recreational players. From second position, an unknown player raised to $15 out of his $500 effective stack and our Hero decided to call from third position with 5 4.

Right from the start, Hero’s call is a clear mistake. While Hero may think that he has a decent chance to get paid off if he makes a straight or a flush, in reality, it takes two incredibly premium post-flop hands in order to get all-in for 167 big blinds. When Hero improves to a strong hand (which will often be a bad flush or a bad straight), if a lot of money goes in the pot, he will frequently be crushed by a better made hand. In general, you should only see the flop with junky drawing hands when you are able to see the flop cheaply (here it costs five big blinds, which is quite costly) and when you stand to win a large pot if you improve to an effective nut hand (which is not the case with weak “premium” made hands like bad flushes and straights).

As played, the players in the hijack, cutoff, button, and big blind all called. The flop came K 7 2, giving Hero a weak flush draw. The big blind and initial raiser checked to Hero, who bet $50 into the $91 pot.

I am fine with this bet, although I would usually bet larger, about $70. You want to bet with your best made hands and your draws because it makes you relatively difficult to play against because your opponents have no way of knowing if you have a premium made hand or an unmade draw. That said, when so many players see the flop, it is somewhat likely that Hero is against a bigger flush draw, so he should consider proceeding with caution.

Only the big blind called Hero’s bet. The turn was the 6, giving Hero a flush. The big blind checked and Hero bet $75 into the $191 pot.

I would have again preferred a slightly larger bet size, perhaps $100, but $75 could be ideal if Hero thinks he is against a range consisting of mostly marginal made hands that will only call a small bet. One of the key skills you must master to beat small stakes cash games (as I discuss in my book Mastering Small Stakes No-Limit Hold’em) is to choose the optimal bet size to achieve the result you want. Hero wants to get called by all the marginal made hands while also pricing out the obvious draws, such as A 5. A slightly larger bet of $100 will usually get called by any king and some middle pairs with flush draws while also charging the draws a bit more to see the river.

The big blind called. The river was the 10. The big blind checked.

As on the turn, Hero should choose a bet size that is likely to be called by worse made hands. At this point, the only realistic made hand that is worse than Hero’s that can call a river bet is top pair, and even then, it cannot call a large bet. So, Hero should choose a somewhat small bet size. I think Hero’s $150 bet may be a bit too large. When facing a river bet, some players only call with two pair or a better hand.


Given the big blind should have relatively few two pairs and sets, most of his river calling range could easily be flushes, which should lead Hero to consider checking behind or betting small.

Strategies For Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments By Jonathan Little

Hero bet $150 into the $341 pot. The big blind folded, giving Hero the pot.

Even though Hero made a premium hand, he only won $200. While winning $200 is great, it is far from amazing. When you are fortunate enough to make a premium post-flop hand, you want to be sure to get paid off for as much as possible. This time, Hero could only go for a small amount of value because if he bet any larger, he would almost certainly only get called when he was beat. ♠

Jonathan Little is a professional poker player and best-selling poker author with over $6,900,000 in live tournament earnings. If you want to learn how to play fundamentally sound poker and increase your win rate, check out Click here to try for free.

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